If you’re deleting your rooms and re-pairing your FARA Smart heater or having trouble pairing the heater via the Boldr app - Preforming a factory reset will unpair the last connected Wi-Fi access point and the FARA Smart heater will be ready for pairing.
Before starting the reset process, please determine whether you have a Fara Smart heater with a physical reset button or a Fara Smart Heater with a magnetic reset switch. You can determine the type of re-set switch you have by following the diagrams.
FARA SMART (button version):
The Fara Smart Heater with a physical reset button will have a red button located at the base of the heater. Follow the re-set instruction below.
STEP 1: Unplug the heater from the socket.
STEP 2: Plug it back in.
STEP 3: Flip the heater on its side and press the red reset button.
STEP 4: Click the button on/off quickly 5 times or until you hear a quick double-click sound.
STEP 5: You can now proceed to pair the heater with the app.
FARA SMART (magnetic version):
The Fara Smart Heater with a magnetic reset switch comes packed with a small red magnet and does not include a physical red reset switch. Follow the re-set instruction below.
NOTE: In order to reset your FARA Smart (magnetic version) you will need to activate the magnetic reset switch which is placed inside the product as shown in the diagram below. You can also find the video reset instructions below.
STEP 1: Unplug the heater from the socket.
STEP 2: Plug it back in.
STEP 3: Take the Red Reset Magnet.
STEP 4: Place the magnet on the bottom right side of the heater as shown in the image above to activate the magnetic reset switch.
STEP 5: Touch and remove the magnet from the plastic shell 5 times.
STEP 6: You should hear a clicking noise for every time you remove the magnet, until you hear a quick double-clicking sound.
STEP 7: Once you hear the double clicking sound your heater is reset.
STEP 8: You can now proceed to pair the heater with the app.
We hope this article has answered any reset related questions you may have had about Fara.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us a query here. You can also visit Fara’s webpage here.
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